What Is it?

A very important aspect of oral health is making sure that your teeth and jaw are properly aligned. For those of us that do not naturally have a proper bite, we rely on Orthodontics to correct any and all alignment issues. This includes treating various aspects of facial growth like the shape and development of the jawbone.

How Can You Benefit?

An improper bite can be far worse than it sounds due to the multitudes of potential issues that result from it. Teeth that do not fit together are harder to clean, putting you at greater risk for tooth decay and periodontal disease. It also causes extra stress on your chewing muscles, which leads to more extreme issues such as: neck, shoulder and back pain, headaches, and/or TMJ Disorder. Orthodontics, when properly applied, can prevent or alleviate all of these issues. Aside from a beautiful smile, you have much to gain from Orthodontic treatment.

How do you know if you need it?

If you have ANY concerns about crowded or crooked teeth, spaces between teeth, bite problems or any other issue related to the alignment of your teeth or jaw then you should consult a dental health professional at your earliest convenience. Dr. Kevin McCurry is incredibly well educated and experienced in Orthodontics. He can accurately diagnose the problems that you do have, and he will know exactly what treatment is necessary.

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What does it include?


Brackets, wires, and/or bands that are attached in a way that applies tension to your teeth in order to move the teeth into proper position. They will need to be tightened and adjusted periodically.

Fixed Space Maintainers

If a child loses a baby tooth, this appliance will stop the teeth about both sides of the vacated space from moving in. This is done so that the adult tooth can come through properly.

Special Fixed Appliances

These can be used under certain circumstance to avoid tongue thrusting or thumb sucking.


These can be used for adult patients as an alternative option to braces. They can be taken out for flossing, eating, and brushing.

Jaw Repositioning Appliances (Splints)

These are worn on either the top or the bottom jaw and they are used to train the jaw to close in a more favorable position. These are often used for TMJ disorder.

Lip and Cheek Bumpers

Lip and cheek muscles can exert pressure on your teeth. These are designed to relieve that pressure and keep the lips and cheeks away from your teeth.

Palatal Expander

A plastic plate that fits over the roof of the mouth. This device is used to widen the arch of the upper jaw.

Removable Retainers

after your teeth have been moved to a favorable position, these devices are worn on the roof of the mouth to prevent the teeth from shifting to their previous position.


A strap is placed around the back of the head and also attached to a metal wire in front. This slows the growth of the upper jaw, holding the back teeth where they are while the front teeth are pulled back.